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GATE 2025 Control Systems Foundation Quiz 60
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Question 1
A system has 30% overshoot and settling time of 5 sec for a unit step input. The resonant peak of the system is _____ .
Question 2
A feedback control system is shown below
If the forward path gain is 400 and feedback gain is 0.05. The percentage change in closed loop gain for 10% change in G is ________

If the forward path gain is 400 and feedback gain is 0.05. The percentage change in closed loop gain for 10% change in G is ________
Question 3
The resonant and damping frequency of a certain system was found to be 7.07 rad/sec and 8.666 rad/sec respectively. The dominant poles locations are
Question 4
in the system, r(t) = sin

The steady state response c(t) will exhibit a resonance peak at a frequency (in rad/sec) of
[write the answer upto two decimal point]

The steady state response c(t) will exhibit a resonance peak at a frequency (in rad/sec) of
[write the answer upto two decimal point]
Question 5
Consider the unit step response of a second order system as shown in the figure below
What will be the percentage overshoot (%mp) for the second overshoot in the response.
- 27 attempts