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GATE 2025 Analog Electronics Foundation Quiz 60
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Question 1
The diode in the circuit given below has VON = 0.7 V but is ideal otherwise. The current (in mA) in the 4kΩ resistor is______ mA

Question 2
Consider the circuit shown in figure (a), the signal applied as input to the circuit is Vin [shown in figure (b)]
The voltage across diode VD is given as (Assuming diode to be ideal)
Question 3
In the figure shown below, all the diodes are ideal.
The value of current I is ________mA.

The value of current I is ________mA.
Question 4
A two sided limiting circuit has to be designed using two diode and two independent power supply which will supply power to a 1 kΩ load resistor with output voltage limiting levels of ± 3 V. Assuming the voltage gain of the circuit to be 0.95 V/V and the cut in voltages of diode to be 0.7. Then which of the following options represent that circuit?
Question 5
Which of the following is true? D1& D2 are ideal
- 22 attempts