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GATE 2025 Algorithm Foundation Quiz 10
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Question 1
Consider the tree arcs of a BFS traversal from a source node W in an unweighted, connected, undirected graph. The tree T formed by the tree arcs is a data structure for computing ?
Question 2
Apply BFS and DFS on the graph below and find how many nodes are at same position start from node A.
Question 3
Which of the following statement is true for the Bellman-Ford algorithm?
Question 4
Given a disconnected graph on 10 vertices, what is the max number of edges it can have ________.
Question 5
Consider the following graph:
What is the depth first search (DFS) sequence for the above graph?
What is the depth first search (DFS) sequence for the above graph?
- 37 attempts
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GATE & PSU CSAlgorithmsNov 26GATE & PSU CS