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GATE 2024 Power electronics Rank Booster Quiz 44

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Question 1

A single phase two-pulse converter feeds an R — L load with insufficient smoothing but the conduction is continuous. If the resistance of the load circuit is increased

Question 2

In the single-phase diode bridge rectifier shown in figure, the load resistor is R = 75 Ω. The source voltage is V = 300 sin ωt, where ω = 2 π × 50 radians per second. The power dissipated in the load resistor is __________.

Question 3

In the circuit shown in the figure the diode D is assumed to be ideal. The switch is opened at t = 0 prior to that the inductor carriers an initial current. The voltage waveform across the inductor is

Question 4

A single phase mid point SCR converter supplies constant load current of 5A when the triggering angle is maintained at 35 degree. The input voltage to the converter is 220 V at 50 Hz. The turns ratio from secondary to primary is 2. Determine the input power factor.

Question 5

In the single-phase diode bridge rectifier shown in figure, the load resistor is R = 50 Ω. The source voltage is V = 200 sin(ωt), where ω = 2π × 50 rad/sec. The power dissipated in the load resistor R is

Question 6

For a Single-Phase Semi converter having continuous and ripple free load current (IDC), Harmonic factor in absolute terms will be _____ times of input current if supply voltage is 120 V, 50 Hz and firing angle is 30°.

Question 7

A 1 ϕ – Fully controlled bridge converter operates in continuous conduction mode from a 230 V, 50 Hz, 1 – ϕ supply with firing angle of a = 30o. The load resistance and inductance are 15 Ω and 30 mH respectively.

The rms value of 5th harmonic source current (in ampere) is__________.

  • 35 attempts