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GATE 2024 Power Electronics Rank Booster Quiz 43
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Question 1
In current commutated chopper the auxiliary thyristor stops conducting due to
Question 2
For same commutation circuit parameter & similar voltage supply. Peak current through main thyristor in voltage commutation and current commutation circuit respectively follows the relation.
Question 3
For 60A constant load current in a Current commuted chopper having input supply of 220 V with commutation circuit parameter of 10μH & 30μF. The minimum current rating of auxiliary thyristor required in order to have stable operation is____Amp
Question 4
A voltage commutated chopper is supplied from 200V for a constant load current of 160 Amp with commutation circuit parameter 40μH & 50μF. The voltage across capacitor at 120μsec after auxiliary thyristor triggered____ V.
Question 5
For the load requirement of constant Current of 25 Amp, a voltage commutated chopper is designed with commutation circuit specification of 50μF, 20μH & Ton time of 600μsec which is supplied by input voltage of 230V DC. The effective ON period of the circuit is ____sec.
(Answer upto 4 decimal places)
(Answer upto 4 decimal places)
Question 6
A current commutated chopper is fed from a source VS. It’s commutating components are L & C. If the load current I0 is assumed constant during the process, then the time difference between auxiliary thyristor turn-off time & main thyristor turn off time.
Question 7
In a current commutated chopper, peak commutating current is 2.5 times the maximum possible load current. The source voltage is 220 V dc and main SCR turn off time is 35 msec. If maximum load current is 180 A, then the peak capacitor voltage is ___________ V.
- 41 attempts