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GATE 2024 II Theory of Machines & Vibrations II Rank Booster Quiz 31

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Question 1

the effect of gyroscopic couple on naval ship  is zero, in case of

Question 2

A helicopter propeller rotates in counter-clockwise direction when seen from the top about the vertical axis. The helicopter takes a left turn in the horizontal plane about the vertical axis. The effect of gyroscopic couple will be

Question 3

find the gyroscopic effect on engine  when an engine rotates  in clockwise direction  viewed from nose end and takes left turn.

Question 4

gyroscopic effect on Naval ship ,When an engine rotates in clockwise direction viewed from stern end and takes right turn is

Question 5

gyroscopic couple is independent of

Question 6

A flywheel mass  kg and has a radius of gyration of 100 cm. It is given a spin of 100 rpm about its horizontal axis. The whole assembly is rotating about a vertical axis at 6 rad/s. The gyroscopic couple experienced will be

Question 7

What is the effect of gyroscopic couple on a car moving in a circular path ____________?
  • 76 attempts