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GATE 2024 II Fluid Mechanics & Machinery II Rank Booster Quiz 10
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Question 1
Mach number is significant in
Question 2
Which of the following non-dimensional numbers is not correctly defined?
Question 3
A water turbine delivering 10 MW power is to be tested with the help of a geometrically similar 1 : 16 model, running at the double speed as that of the prototype. The power developed by model will be
Question 4
The results obtained from experiments on models can be applied to prototype only if a complete similarity exists between the model and prototype and for that the two systems may be
(i) Geometrically similar
(ii) Kinematically similar
(iii) Dynamically similar
Identify the correct statements
(i) Geometrically similar
(ii) Kinematically similar
(iii) Dynamically similar
Identify the correct statements
Question 5
In a 1:36 scale model test of a spillway, discharge of flow over the model is 6 m3/s. If the velocity of flow over model was found to be 5 knots, then the velocity of flow over prototype in m/s will be
[1knot= 0.5144m/sec]
[1knot= 0.5144m/sec]
Question 6
Inside a ship building R&D center, a model of a ship was to be put under experimental analysis, for estimating its wave drag. If the speed the actual full scale ship is
, then at what speed must be model must be tested?
Question 7
The dimensionless number which becomes significant when Inertial and Surface Tension Forces tend to dominate is
- 60 attempts