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GATE 2024 Engineering Mechanics 91

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Question 1

A open belt drive consists of two pulleys, where pulley A acts as driving pulley while Pulley B acts as driven. The diameters of pulleys are 300mm and 625 mm respectively. Also the angle of contact is 150 ° and 210 ° respectively. If the tension in the slack side is 250 N, what will the tension on the tight side of the belt. Take Coefficient of friction between the belt and pulley as ƒA = 0.33 & ƒB = 0.2.

Question 2

A screw jack was used to replace the tire of a dumper. The jack had to support a load of 2000 kgf. The following are the parameters of screw jack :

Mean diameter = 30 mm

Length of lever = 500mm

Coefficient of friction = 0.15

Inclination angle = 5°

Find the torque required to raise the dumper.

Question 3

What is the correct expression for free natural vibration of the given vibration system? Mass of rod is m which is uniformly distributed over the length L and the rod is pivoted at L/3 as shown.

Question 4

In a V belt drive, the belt makes contact at

Question 5

Which of the following methods will give an incorrect relation of the frequency for free vibration?
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