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GATE 2024 Engineering Mechanics 90
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Question 1
A mass of 2kg mass makes an elastic collision with another body at rest and afterwards continues to move in the original direction but with one fourth of its original speed. The mass of struck body is.
Question 2
A sphere P impinges directly onto another identical sphere Q at rest. If coefficient of restitution is 0.5, the ratio of velocity
after the impact would be

Question 3
A body is moving in a straight line trajectory as shown below. It hits the wall at an angle of θ with the surface of the wall. Choose from the following statements, the correct statement of the momentum change undergone by the body
Question 4
A fan consumes 50 W of electric power and has an air discharge of 0.25 kg/s, the maximum air outlet velocity is close to
Question 5
If two bodies, one light and other heavy, have equal kinetic energy, which on has a greater momentum?
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