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GATE 2024 Engineering Mechanics 84
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Question 1
A vegetable vendor weighing the vegetables using a weighing pan, the weight of the vegetables is lesser than the weights in the pan. The vendor holds the weighing scale with its hand thus applying some force. The forces thus analyzed forms a :

Question 2
The uniform rod in figure weighs 400 N, length of the rod is 12 m
Determine the angle ɵ in degrees.
Question 3
The free body diagram of member AB is :-
Question 4
The forces which meet at one point and have their lines of action in different planes are called ______________.
Question 5
If a number of forces act on a rigid body, each force may be replaced bv an equal and parallel force acting through a fixed point, together with a couple. For the rigid body to be in equilibrium
- 56 attempts