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GATE 2024 Electrical & Electronic Measurements Foundation Quiz 62

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Question 1

A capacitive transducer consists of two parallel plates of diameter 2 cm each and separated by an air gap of 0.25 mm. What is the displacement sensitivity?

Question 2

A wattmeter is measuring the power supplied to a circuit whose power factor is 0.7. The frequency of the supply is 50 c/s. The wattmeter has a potential coil circuit of resistance 1000 and inductance 0.5H. The error in the meter reading is

Question 3

Which one of the following frequency meter is suitable for measuring radio frequency?

Question 4

Piezo-electric crystal is generally employed for the measurement of which one of the following?

Question 5

An instrument is used to measure a quantity at different time instances, and the expected values of the quantity are to be the same; however, the measured values are different. A set of 5 measurements that were recorded at different time instances are 98,101,99,100 and 102. Find the precision of the third measurement.
  • 53 attempts