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GATE 2024 EDC Rank Booster Quiz 16

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Question 1

A specimen of a Si has a resistivity of 200 k-cm , magnetic flux B=0.3 Wb/m2 and d=w=6mm. if the value of hall voltages and hall currents are 60mV and 10 . Then the value of mobility is ______(m2/v-sec)

Question 2

A semiconductor sample at room temperature has intrinsic concentration of 2.5 X 1017 /m3. After doping what will be the minority carrier concentration if the majority carrier concentration is given as 5.5 X 1021 /m3.

Question 3

Two exactly same semiconductors formed from materials having bandgap of1.1 eV and 0.7 eV are taken.Then the ratio of intrinsic carrier concentration Of the first semiconductor to the second one will be _____ Description: E:\Gate\Gate-EC\03_Elctro-Devic_B-done_files\image021.png10-3 (assuming kT=0.026 eV).

Question 4

Silicon is doped with boron to a concentration of 4×1017 atoms/cm3. Assuming the intrinsic carrier concentration of silicon to be 1.5×1010/cm3 and the value of to be 25 mV at 300 K
Compared to undoped silicon, the Fermi level of doped silicon?

Question 5

The resistivity of a certain specimen (doped semi-conductor) is 7.86 x 10-3Ω-m, and the hall co-efficient of the same specimen is 2.83 x 10-4 m3c-1. Now determine the majority carrier mobility in cm2V-1S-1 unit.

Question 6

The effective masses of electron and hole in germanium are mn = 0.55mO and mp = 0.37mO respectively, then the energy difference between mid-band level and intrinsic Fermi level at 300 K in Ge is

Question 7

If the temperature of an N-type semiconductor is increased, then it becomes
  • 28 attempts