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GATE 2024 Digital logic Foundation Quiz 73

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Question 1

A four bit right shift register is shifting the data to the right for every clock pulse. The circuit diagram is:


The initial loaded with binary stream 0011 as Q0, Q1, Q2 and Q3 respectively. Which clock pulse is responsible for highest decimal data to be stored in the shift register?

Question 2Multiple Correct Options

In Johnson’s counter, all the positive triggered JK flip-flops are used. Initially, all the flip-flops are Q2 Q1 Q0 = 000. Which of the following statements is/are true?

Question 3

Consider the circuit of J-K flip-flops as given below:

The above circuit shows mod-P counter here P is equal to ____.

Question 4

Consider the circuit given below:

Suppose the initial value of Q1Q2Q3 is 001. What is the value of Q1Q2Q3 after four clock pulses? (Note- If the value of Q1 is 0, Q2 is 0, and Q3 is 1, then the answer will be 001)

Question 5

Let us have three identical modulo-5 counters. What is the overall modulo of this circuit?
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