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GATE 2024 Building Materials Foundation Quiz 90

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Question 1

Calculate the specific gravity of cement when tested in Le-chattier flask If 15 CC of resource is poured into it and after the additions of cement and removal of air, the level of resource is 40 CC. Assume density of Resource = 0.8 g/CC

Question 2

Consider the following statements:

1. Low heat Portland cement has high percentage of dicalcium silicate.

2. Rapid hardening cement sets faster than ordinary cement.

3. High alumina cement is manufactured by fusing major content of silica and bauxite.

The incorrect statements are

Question 3

For batching 1: 3: 6 concrete mix by volume, the ingredients. Required per bag of 50 Kg cement, are

Question 4

Identify the material based on properties

I. It is known as low carbon or soft steel. (steel content - 0.15–0.3)

II. It rusts quickly and can be permanently magnetised

III. It is used in the form of rolled sections, reinforcing bars, roof coverings and sheet piles and in railway track.

Question 5

Consider the following statements about admixture.

1) It enhances workability

2) It controls alkali-aggregate expansion or alkali-silica reaction

3) It retard the initial setting time to keep concrete workable for a shorter time for placements.

Select the correct code.

  • 177 attempts