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GATE 2024 : Aptitude Quiz 6
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Question 1
Rani is the sister of Piyush and the daughter of Kamal. Kamal is the son of Gaurav and the brother of Aryan. Aryan is the father of Rajneesh. How is Aryan related to Piyush?
Question 2
If ‘A # B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’ and ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’, then which of the following expressions means ‘C is the mother of F’?
Question 3
You go east, turn left and then left again and then go to the right. In which direction are you now?
Question 4
Rahul walked 30 m towards south, he then turned to his right and walked 15 m. He then turned to his right and walked 30m. He again turned to his left and walked 10 m. At what distance is he from the starting point and in which direction?
Question 5
January 10, 2007 was Monday, what day of the week lies on January 10, 2008?
Question 6
In each of the following number series given, one number is wrong. Find out that wrong number.
8, 19, 52, 151, 447
Question 7
Select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
25, 50, 53, 212, ?
- 51 attempts