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GATE 2024 II Strength of Materials II Rank Booster Quiz 13
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Question 1
The change of bending moment w.r.t distance is equal to _______.
Question 2
The point of contraflexure in case of beams is:
Question 3
A cantilever beam of 1 m length supports a triangularly distributed load over its entire length, the maximum of which is at the free end. The total load is 50 kN. What is the bending moment at the fixed end ________.
Question 4
The shear force diagram of a loaded simply supported beam is shown in the following figure:
The maximum bending moment (in KNm) of the beam is

The maximum bending moment (in KNm) of the beam is
Question 5
The point of zero bending moment is called _______.
Question 6
The shape of bending moment diagram when the cantilever beam with point load at the end _________.
Question 7
The bending moment for a certain portion of the beam is constant. For that section, shear force would be __________.
- 108 attempts