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GATE 2023 || Heat Transfer || Quiz 48
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Question 1
For counter flow heat exchanger with = 1,
effectiveness is given by ;
Question 2
The fouling factor in heat exchanger is defined as
Question 3
Which expression is correct for the effectiveness of heat exchanger
Question 4
A counter flow Heat Exchanger has Hot fluid inlet and outlet temperatures as 150℃and 110℃ & cold fluid inlet and outlet temperatures as 30℃ and 70℃. Find the rate of heat transfer if area is 70 m2, and overall heat transfer coefficient of 400 W/m2℃.
Question 5
In a counter flow heat exchanger, water enters at 25 °C with mass flow rate of 1200 kg/hr and leaves the condenser at 65 °C, the hot oil enters at temperature of 90 °C with flow rate of 600 kg/hr and specific heat of 8kJ/kg K. Find the LMTD for the counter flow heat exchanger.
Question 6
In a counter flow heat exchanger with effectiveness of 0.75, the properties are flow rate are such that the both fluids have thermal capacity equal to 1000 W/°C. What will be the area of heat exchanger required, if the heat transfer coefficient is 100 W/m2.°C __________?
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