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GATE 2023 Electrical & Electronics Measurements Quiz 75
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Question 1
A PMMC voltmeter give full scale deflection of 240° for a DC voltage of 10 V. What will be the voltage (in Volts) indicated by the meter for a deflection of

Question 2
For full wave rectifier circuit, DC sensitivity is 1000 Ω/volts. What is the value of multiplier resistance (in kΩ) if input voltage is 20 V (rms), meter resistance = 250Ω? (diode resistance is negligible)
Question 3Multiple Correct Options
In context with the ohmmeter method, following statement(s) is/are correct.
Question 4
The inductance of an electromagnet in moving iron instrument is given as function of deflection of the pointer, L = (100+5θ –
) μH. If the spring stiffness coefficient of 49 μN-m/radian is used. The deflection of the pointer for a current of 7A will be _______

Question 5
A PMMC type voltmeter is used to measure the voltage across 1 kΩ resistance as shown in the figure. The input impedance of the permanent magnet moving coil (PMMC) voltmeter is infinite. Assuming that the diode shown is ideal, the reading of the voltmeter in volts is
Question 6
Two (0-200) V voltmeters have sensitivities of 22 kΩ/V & 220 kΩ/V. The maximum possible voltage (in Volts) withstand by the meters when they are connected in series is ___________.
- 72 attempts