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GATE 2023 Electrical & Electronic Measurements Rank Booster Quiz 36
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Question 1
The AC bridge shown below is used to measure an impedance. The bridge is in balanced condition. The impedance Z is equal to
Question 2
For an AC bridge working in 2000 Hz frequency, to obtain Null condition best detector is
Question 3
Which of the following statements is/are correct about various AC bridges?
1). Anderson’s bridge is used for measurement of incremental inductance and incremental permeability.
2). Kelvin’s double bridge method is used for measurement of low resistance.
3). Maxwell’s inductance-capacitance bridge is not suitable for measurement of low Q-coil.
4). If the input signal contains different harmonics, then balancing of Wein’s bridge is not possible.
Question 4
Consider the AC bridge shown in the figure below, with R, L and C having positive finite values. Which of the given below condition is correct?
Question 5
In the bridge circuit shown, the capacitors are loss free, at balance, the value of C1 in pF is
Question 6
In Kelvin’s double bridge two sets of reading are taken when measuring low resistance, one with current in one direction and other with the direction of current reversed, this is done to
Question 7
The three impedance of an AC bridge shown below are;
Z1 = 80∠80°, Z2 = 50∠60°,
Z3 = 80∠60°,
The value of Z4 for the balanced bridge is
- 46 attempts