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GATE 2024 Electrical & Electronic Measurements Rank Booster Quiz 34

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Question 1

A DC circuit can be represented by an interval voltage source of 100V with an output resistance of 50 kΩ. In order to achieve accuracy better than 98% for voltage measurement across its terminals. The value of resistance of voltage measuring device is

Question 2

A current of I = 0.5 +0.3 sin ωt – 0.2sin 2ωt A is passed through the circuit shown in figure given below, _________ ampere is the sum of reading of each instrument. (ω = 106 rad/s)

Question 3

A 160-pF capacitor, an inductor of 160 μH and a resistor of 1200 Ω are connected in series, if all the three components have worst possible error of –10% and resonant frequency is compute the expected resonance frequency of the combination and percentage error?

Question 4

A voltmeter reading 80V on its 100 V range and an ammeter reading 80 mA on its 150mA range, are used to determine the power dissipated in a resistor. Both these instruments are guaranteed to be accurate within ±2% at full scale deflection. The limiting error in the measurement of the power dissipation is-

Question 5

Suppose you need to measure a voltage of 20 volts. If you use a voltmeter with a voltage range of (0-150) volts, and the voltmeter has an error within ±10%, what is the Guaranteed accuracy error of this measurement?

Question 6

The following reading is taken by one voltmeter to the same input values are 102.1V, 102.4V, 102.3V, 102.6V, 102.7V, 102.9V. Then the probable error of mean is __________ ×10-2 (up to two decimal place)

Question 7

Consider a wattmeter that is rated at 20 A, 50 V is having the following characteristics:

If the potential coil is connected across the load and is purely resistive. Then at rated condition, error in reading is

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