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GATE 2023 Digital Electronics Quiz 69
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Question 1
The propagation delay of each NOT gate ton produce a frequency of 5 GHz is:
Question 2
In the circuit shown below as an example the propagation delay of NAND : NOR :: 1 : 2. What is the number of NAND and NOR gates required to get the time period T of 30 nsec respectively?
(Assume propagation delay of NAND gates is nsec).
Question 3
A bulb is a staircase has two switches one switch being at the ground floor and the other one at the first floor. The bulb can turn on and also can be turn off by any on switches irrespective of the state of other swiitch. The logic can be explained by:
Question 4
, then

Question 5
Let X be the output of six input XOR gate. Then the number of minterms present in the Boolean expression for X is____?
Question 6
For the logic circuit shown below, having positive logic, then high logic output is achieved when A = a, B = b, C = c & D = d where a, b, c, d are either 0 or 1. Then the value of (a + b + c + d) = __________.
- 49 attempts