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GATE 2024 Computer Organization & Architecture Rank Booster Quiz 4

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Question 1

Cache memory is deployed between?

Question 2

A computer uses RAM chips of 1024 x 1 capacity. How many chips are needed to provide a memory

capacity of 16K bytes?

Question 3

Which of the memory has the shortest access time?

Question 4

How many 2K × 1 RAM chips are needed to provide a capacity of 16KB memory?

Question 5

A cache memory has 64 bytes size lines; how many number of clock cycles required to fetch a cache line if the main memory takes 20 cycles to each memory request and returns 2 bytes of data in response to each request?

Question 6

In a particular system it is observed that, the cache performance gets improved as a result of increasing the block size of the cache. The primary reason behind this is ?

Question 7

A cache memory needs an access time of 30 ns and main memory 150 ns, what is the average access time of CPU (assume hit ratio = 80%)?
  • 92 attempts