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GATE 2023 Communication System Evaluation Quiz 7
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Question 1
An angle modulated signal is given by s(t) = cos(4000πt) cos(5 sin200πt) + sin (4000πt) sin (5 sin200πt). The instantaneous frequency of the angle modulated signal at time t = 5 ms will be _____ kHz.
Question 2
Which of the following statement is true?
I. If contains a DC component equal to A, then
will contain a constant component equal to A2.
II. If contains a sinusoidal component, then
will also contain a sinusoidal component of the same frequency.
Question 3
Matched filter output for the input of 

Question 4
The capacity of gaussian channel of bandwidth 5 kHz with noise PSD 10-7 W/Hz (two sided) when signal energy is 0.2 is ______× 104 bps.
Question 5
In a delta modulation system, message signal quantized with a step size of 0.01V, sampled at the rate of 100 samples/sec. Which of the following signal avoids slope overload distortion?
Question 6
In a AM signal, received signal power is
with a maximum modulating signal of 5kHz.The noise spectral density at the receiver input is
.If noise power is restricted to the message signal bandwidth only then signal-to-noise ratio at the input to the receiver is_______ (dB)

Question 7
Let a random variable X have CDF
The value of is ……
Question 8
A discrete source transmits message
with probabilities 0.4, 0.3, 0.3 respectively. The source is connected to the given channel. Calculate

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