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GATE 2022 Toppers Quiz 10

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Question 1

In the given circuit, the race around condition

Question 2

The transfer function of the lead compensator And, If the lead compensator need to provide a maximum phase lead of 40° at a frequency of 5 rad/s, then the value of T is around_____.

Question 3

Consider the following statements

A clamper circuit

1) Adds or subtracts a dc voltage to or from a waveform

2) Does not change the shape of the waveform

3) Amplifier the waveform of these statements

Which of the above statements are correct?

Question 4

An AM signal is given by s(t) = [8 + 4 cos(8000t) + 2 cos(4500t)] cos2πFct then modulation efficiency of the wave is _____ %.

Question 5

If the function W, X, Y and Z are as


Question 6

Consider a system shown in figure the value of K and Kn so that maximum overshoot in the unit step response, is 0.2 and the peak time is 1 second.

Question 7

A sample of Ge has n-type impurity concentration of 2 × 1014/cm3 and p type impurity concentration of 3 × 1014/cm3. Calculate n and P (in /cm3).

Question 8

If the given OP-Amp is ideal the resistance seen by load is given as:

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