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GATE 2022: Theory Of Computation Quiz-4
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Question 1
How many of the following CFGs generates a CFL but not regular?



Question 2
Consider the following context free language (CFL)
L={anbn | n>=1}∪{anb2n | n>=1}
A minimum number of states that are present in the state transition diagram of the above CFL
Question 3
Consider a PDA which has 4 states. We have 3 alphabets (a,b,c) in a string. On first state , there are 3 transitions possible. Transition 1 : if "a" comes and stack is empty , then push it and remain on same state. Transition 2 : if "a" comes and stack is not empty , top symbol is also "a" , then also push "a" and remain on same state. Transition 3 : if "c" comes and top of stack is "a" then skip "c" and move to second state. Now in second state , it has 2 transitions. Transition 1 : if "c" comes and top of stack is "a" then skip "c" and remain on same state. Transition 2 : If "b" comes and top of stack is "a" , pop it and move to third state. Third state has 3 transitions. Transition 1 : If "b" comes and top of stack is "a" , pop it and remain on same state. Transition 2 : If "$" comes and stack is empty then go to the final state 4.
The above PDA is accepting which of the following language :
Question 4
Consider the following PDA for L = anbn :
We want to check whether the string a4b4 belongs to the language L or not. A single move in PDA causes 5 nanoseconds delay. Find the total delay in nanoseconds to check the membership of the string.

We want to check whether the string a4b4 belongs to the language L or not. A single move in PDA causes 5 nanoseconds delay. Find the total delay in nanoseconds to check the membership of the string.
Question 5
Consider the following transition table from PDA.
[Example: In above table
Initially stack is empty.
Consider the following languages.
How many of the above language
are subset of the language L where L is the language accepted by the given PDA?(Assume PDA acceptance is by empty stack method)

[Example: In above table

Initially stack is empty.
Consider the following languages.

How many of the above language

Question 6
What is the size of stack required to accept a string of pattern anbn if n = 13?
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