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GATE 2022 : Signals and Systems Quiz 1
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Question 1
The Dirac function δ(t) is defined as
Question 2
The odd component of signal x(t) = e–jωt is
Question 3
Find the power of the signal

Question 4
Consider input signal x(t) and impulse response h(t) as shown below:
If output and y(t) ranges from a < t < b, then (a + b) is ________.
Question 5
The waveform for the signal f(t) is given below, write the expression of the given waveform in term of basic step and ramp signals:
Question 6
Consider an LTI system when input x(t) is applied the system response is given below:
When we applied the input x(2t + 1) + x(-t + 5). Find the response of the system.
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