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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Weekly Quiz 7
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Question 1
It was estimated that 52 men can complete a strip in a newly constructed highway connecting cities P and Q in 10 days. Due to an emergency, 12 men were sent to another project. How many number of days, more than the original estimate, will be required to complete the strip?
Question 2
represents hamming code, the value of x is_____

Question 3
Message signal
delta modulated with step size of
. What is the minimum sampling frequency that avoids slope overload distortion?

Question 4
Consider the statements associated with modes in a rectangular waveguide with dimensions a>b.
1) Dominant mode is the mode which is having lowest cut off wavelength
2) Evanescent mode is said to exist in a waveguide only when propagation constant is purely real.
3) A rectangular waveguide does not support TM10 mode.
4) Degenerate modes are the modes with same cut off frequency.
The number of true statements among these are_____
Question 5
A computer uses RAM chips of
capacity. The number of memory chips required to provide a memory capacity of

Question 6
An antenna radiates isotropically over a hemispherical surface above an infinite grounded conducting plane. If the maximum potential gradient at a distance of 1.41 KM is
and the terminal current fed to the antenna is 3A (RMS), then the radiation resistance in ohms is ____

Question 7
The given below program is executed by 8085

After execution, what will be contents of memory locations: respectively?
Question 8
A two port network has been shown in the below figure, where the block represents a network of resistors. A resistance R is connected at the output. The given conditions of the network are:
1- When
2- When
The value of V when is ______V
Question 9Multiple Correct Options
Using MAP criterion, which of the following channels code ‘0’ always as ‘0’?
Question 10
The value of the integral
along a curve c from

Question 11
If there are P input lines and Q output lines for a decoder that uniquely addresses a byte addressable
RAM, then the minimum value of

Question 12
Consider a 5-bit ripple counter using SR flip flops. If propagation delay in each flip flop is 100ns and maximum clock frequency that can be used is X. Consider a 4-bit weighted resistor DAC, the value of LSB resistance is
and the value of MSB resistance is Y. Then the value of
will be

- 86 attempts
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