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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Weekly Quiz 6
Attempt now to get your rank among 85 students!
Question 1
Consider the circuit shown in figure below, the value of

Question 2
The resolution of a 5-bit ADC is 0.25 V. For an analog input of 5.1 V, the digital output of the ADC and the maximum conversion time for 2 MHz frequency are?
Question 3
The describing equation of a system is given by
where f(t) is external input acting on the system & X is the displacement of mass. The steady state displacement, if input force 3u(t) is applied?

Question 4
A continuous time periodic signal is given as x(t) = Sgn(sint). Trigonometric Fourier series representation of x(t) contains
Question 5
What will the value of following Integral:

Question 6
For LTI system shown in figure with input
, if output of the system is given as
, then value of A is

Question 7
The value of
is ________. (where x(t) and X(ω) are Fourier transform pairs).

Question 8
A binary communication system transmits the signal s1, s2 .The receiver test statistic z(T) =ai+N ,where a1=+1 and a2=-1 and N is uniformly distributed , yeilding the condition density function
the probability of error for equally likely signals is ____
Question 9
For an n-channel E-MOSFET used in the circuit shown below, the threshold voltage VT = 1 V, the channel length modulation parameter
. Then the output voltage Vo is.

Question 10
Consider a silicon sample at T=300K, with a uniform donor density
illuminated uniformly such that the optical generation rate is
throughout the sample. The incident radiation is turned off at t=0. Assume low-level injection to be valid and ignore surface effects. The carrier lifetimes are
The hole concentration at t = 0 and the hole concentration at t = 0.3ms, respectively, are

The hole concentration at t = 0 and the hole concentration at t = 0.3ms, respectively, are
Question 11
Consider a uniform plane wave with amplitude (E0) of 10 V/m and 1.1 GHz frequency travelling in air, and incident normally on a dielectric medium with complex relative permittivity
and permeability
as shown in the figure.
The magnitude of the transmitted electric field component (in V/m) after it has travelled a distance of 10 cm inside the dielectric region is ________.

The magnitude of the transmitted electric field component (in V/m) after it has travelled a distance of 10 cm inside the dielectric region is ________.
Question 12
Initially Register contain byte B7, then after 4 CLR pulse content of Register will …. ?
- 85 attempts
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