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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Weekly Quiz 6
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Question 1
Using a torque-slip characteristic of the 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor.
If _________then there is maximum torque.
Question 2
Which of the following criteria is used to determine the loading on an overhead transmission line for a length less than 80 km?
Question 3
Let A be 3 × 3 real matrix with eigen values, 1, 2, 3 and let B = A–1 + A2, then trace of B is______.
Question 4
The Nyquist plot of a system is shown below.
The open loop transfer function of this system is given by G(s) H(s) = . The number of poles of closed loop system in right hand side are
Question 5
The relative speed of rotor with respect to stator magnetic field of a 3ϕ induction motor with 4 pole, 50 Hz frequency. If the slip is 0.05.
Question 6
A system having impulse response,
h(n) = 5 e2n u(n – 3), the system is
Question 7
A 4 pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz, induction machine has rotor resistance and reactance of 0.02 and 1.2 Ω respectively at standstill. If the slip at maximum torque is 0.1.What will be the percentage improvement in power factor after addition of external resistance?
Question 8Multiple Correct Options
Consider a root locus as shown in figure below:
Then which of the following statement is/are correct?
Question 9
If the corona loss in a power transmission at 35 Hz is 1200 W, then what will be the corona loss at 25 Hz.
Question 10
Given that
If input applied to the system is 8cos2t then the value of angle through which response will be shifted to the input-

Question 11
What is the output if we add the following two hexa decimal numbers CAD + DAD?
Question 12
Let Vin volts is the maximum input voltage to maintain zener in the 'ON' state. The value of Vin is____ Volts.
- 139 attempts
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