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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Weekly Quiz 5
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Question 1
The residue of (z3 × e1/z) at z = 0 is
Question 2
A slip ring induction motor runs at full load of 2% slip on 50 Hz supply. The new slip at full load torque is rotor resistance is doubled.
Question 3
A boost converter is operated from a source voltage of 100V with a duty ratio of 0.4. The load resistance is 400Ω. The internal resistance of inductor is 0.4Ω, then the average output voltage is
Question 4
A travelling wave with an incident voltage ‘V’ travel through the overhead line of surge impedance of 400 Ω and enters a cable of surge impedance of 40 Ω. The transmitted voltage at the cable junction is______V.
Question 5
The three impedance of an AC bridge shown below are;
Z1 = 80∠80°, Z2 = 50∠60°,
Z3 = 80∠60°,
The value of Z4 for the balanced bridge is
Question 6
In a three-bus system, self-impedance of Bus 1 is Z11 = j0.1. A shunt capacitance having susceptance of j0.3 is added to Bus-1. What will be the self-admittance of Bus 1?
Question 7
For the 2-port network shown in the figure given below, what is the value of the parameter h21?

Question 8
A CT has iron loss of 0.5W and a magnetizing current of 1.2A at its rated load. If CT is rated at
and ratio of resistance to reactance is 4 then the ratio error is

Question 9
Consider the following circuit
if the maximum phase shift is Փ°, then the value of (180°-Փ°) is__ Degree.
Question 10
The poles and zeroes of a driving point impedance function, Z(s) are as follows:
i) Poles 0, - 2 ii) Zeroes -1, -3
Also given that Z(∞) = 4 then Find the function Z(s)?
i) Poles 0, - 2 ii) Zeroes -1, -3
Also given that Z(∞) = 4 then Find the function Z(s)?
Question 11
A 3-phase squired cage induction motor, with an applied voltage of 50% gives a blocked rotor current of 200% and starting torque of 40% of their corresponding values. If an auto transformer limits the supply current to 180% of motor full load current, the percentage starting torque of full load torque will be:
Question 12
A series RLC circuit has a resonance frequency of 2kHz and a quality factor Q = 200. If each R, L and C are halved from their original values, the new Q will be
- 111 attempts
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