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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Weekly Quiz 5
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Question 1
Consider the following circuit shown in below figure.
If V0 = 10.3, then Zener voltage (Vz) is ______ Volts.
Question 2
A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer by a 8-bit encoder if the bit rate of system is 105 Kbps, then maximum BW (in MHz) of the low pass message signal for which system operates satisfactorily is ______
Question 3
For a given quantum efficiency in a light detector, responsivity vs wavelength relation is related as
Question 4
If X1 and X2 are the inputs to the circuit shown below, the output Q?
Question 5
What is inverse Fourier transform of Y(Z) = log(1 + a
) , |z| > a

Question 6
What is the value of voltage V in the following circuit?
Question 7
A frequency modulator has a modulator gain of 10Hz/V, and modulating waveform is
For the FM wave, the plot of instantaneous frequency deviation with respect to time t is
Question 8
In the feedback amplifier circuit shown in figure, the BJT has
. The overall gain
in the amplifier approximately is _______

Question 9
If the maximum phase provided by the compensator is 30° and this is achieved at √6 rad/sec. The transfer function of the compensator is __________.
Question 10
A unity negative feedback system is described by the following state model.
The steady state error of the system due to step input of strength ‘12’ is __________.
Question 11
Two λ/4 transformer lines are used to connect a 50Ω line to a 70Ω load. Determine characteristic impedance Z01 if Z02 = 30Ω.
Assume there is no reflection.
Question 12
If the probability of a bad reaction from a certain injection is 0.001, then the probability that out of 2000 individuals more than two will get a bad reaction is
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