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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Weekly Quiz 2
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Question 1
The graph of an electrical network has N nodes and B branches. The number of independent KVL equations
Question 2
For an n-channel MOSFET with VT = 0.56 V, W = 30 µm and L= 0.5 µm. What is the drain current for VGS=4V and VDS=1.2V. The electron mobility is 200cm2/V-s and Cox = 5 x 10-7F/cm2.
Question 3
For the given circuit drawn the output voltage Vo.
Question 4
An EM wave travels in free space with the electric field component
Value of

Question 5
A rectangular waveguide of inner dimension 4cm
is operated in
mode then minimum operating frequency is …..GHz

Question 6Multiple Correct Options
, then choose the correct option(s):

Question 7
The transfer function of an RLC circuit is given by:
The quality factor (Q-factor) of the circuit is:

The quality factor (Q-factor) of the circuit is:
Question 8
The built in potential of an abrupt p-n junction is 0.75 V. If its junction capacitance (Cj) at reverse bias of 0.25 V is 5 PF, then the value of Cj (in PF) when reverse bias of 8.25 applied is ______
Question 9
An ideal voltage amplifier has voltage gain of –1000 and has 1 pF capacitor connected between input and output terminal. If the voltage source feeding amplifier has internal resistance of 100Ω, the upper 3-dB frequency will be ______ MHz.
Question 10
For the circuit shown below, find the value of R (in KΩ) such that the maximum power delivered to the load RL is 3 mW.
Question 11
Let x(t) be
and y(t)= sinc(t)

Now calculate the value of in term of ________
Question 12
Let x(t) denote a real, zero mean, WSS band pass process with autocorrelation function Rx(τ) & power spectral density S×(f) where Sx(0) = 0 & let
denote the Hilbert transform of x(t)

If then determine
- 71 attempts
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