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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Weekly Quiz 2
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Question 1
If 2, – 4, 3 are the eigen values of some 3 × 3 matrix A, then A–1 =
Question 2
Consider the circuit
The magnitude of the impedance parameter Z11 of the above circuit at ω = 3 rad/sec is …… Ω.
Question 3
SCRs with peak forward rating of 1.5 KV and average on state current rating of 40 A is used in single phase mid-point converter. If the factor of safety is 2, then the power that can be handled by this converter is firing angle is 0° is.
Question 4
Calculate the most economic size (radius in mm) of a single core cable working on 132 kV, 3–Φ phase, if dielectric stress of 10 kV/mm can be allowed.
Question 5
An initially unchanged 1 mF capacitor has the current as shown below across it. Then the voltage at t = 5 msec.
Question 6
If the initial across the capacitor shown in figure is 50 V and switch is closed at t = 0, then the time at which energy stored in capacitor drops to 25% of its initial value will be …………μsec.
Question 7
The frequency response of standard lag compensator is shown below. The lag compensator coefficient of the compensator system if the system time constant is 3 sec, is ______.
Question 8
A 3-phase full converter fed from 3-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz supply is connected to R = 6 Ω and E = 400 V and large inductance so that output current is ripple free. The power delivered to load for firing advanced angle of 45° is
Question 9
A second order negative unity feedback control system has phase margin of 80°, then the system phase angle at gain crossover fequency is
Question 10
Representation of (23.14)6 in base 5 number system will be _____ (upto two decimal)
Question 11
The BCD addition of (10011000)2 & (00010001)2 will be?
Question 12
An interconnected cable links generating station 1 and 2 as shown. The desired voltage profile is flat V1 = V2 = 1 p.u. The station loads are equalized by the flow of power in the cable. It is given that 
Z = j0.05 p.u. and G1 can generate a max of 20 p.u. real power. Find the power factor at station

- 110 attempts
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