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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 9
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Question 1
An n-bit carry Look ahead adder is designed using only Ex-OR, AND, OR gates. The propagation delay of each Ex-OR gate is 20 ns and that of each AND, OR gates is t0 ns. If the total propagation delay of adder circuit is 60 ns, then value of to will be (given that to ≤ 20 ns.
Question 2
Consider a single stage having
Rise time = tr1
Upper cut off frequency = fH1
Also, they are related as tr1 =
Suppose two identical stages are cascaded having tr2 (rise time) = a tr1. The value is a is___
Question 3
A DC voltage of 100 V is applied to a coil having R = 10 ohm and L = 10 H. What is the time constant of the circuit?
Question 4
The magnitude of gain when switch S is opened is Ao. Find the gain when the switch is closed.
Question 5
A ‘P’ pole, 50 Hz alternator is driven by a 60 Hz synchronous motor. Calculate the number of poles for the synchronous motor.
Question 6
The Nyquist plot of e-4s is a circle of radius ?
Question 7
A generator has the sequence reactance as X1 = 60%, X2 = 25% and X0 = 15%. The value of resistance to be connected to neutral such that the current for single line to ground fault does not exceed the rated current (take Ea = 1 p.u.)
Question 8
At t=0, the switch S is thrown from b to a of the circuit as shown below. What are the values of v(0+) and i(0+)?

- 136 attempts
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