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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 8
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Question 1
Two series resonant filter are as shown in the figure. Let the 3-dB bandwidth of Filter 1 be B1 and that of 2 be B2. The value of

Question 2
Find the factor by which signal to quantization noise ratio will increase if number of bits in a PCM system is increased from n to n + 3.
Question 3
A man rows to a place 62 km away and comes back in total 10 hours 20 minutes. He found that he could row 8 km with the stream in the same time as he can row 4 km against the stream. Find the rate of flow of the stream :
Question 4
Six identical fair dice are thrown independently. Let X denote the number of dice showing even numbers on their upper faces. Then the variance of the random variable X is_________
Question 5
A 3-bit modulo-8 ripple counter using JK flip-flops has to be operated using a clock signal of frequency 20 MHz. If the propagation delay of all the flip-flops are assumed to the equal, then the maximum propagation delay (in ns) of each flip-flop for proper operation of the counter is
Question 6
A broadside array consisting of 8 isotropic radiators has directivity of 6dB. Determine the minimum spacing between the elements.
Question 7
In the circuit shown below the transistor parameters are
= 1.7V and

If ID=0.8mA and VD=1V, then value of resistor RS and RD are respectively?
Question 8
For the BJT Q1 in the circuit shown below, β = ∞, VBEon = 0.7 V, VCEsat = 0.7 V. The switch is initially closed. At time t = 0, the switch is opened. The time t at which Q1 leaves the active region is

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