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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 7
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Question 1
Equivalent decimal of given hexadecimal number 7BF is
Question 2
In the dual slope integration type digital voltmeter the first integration is carried out for 125 μ sec. If reference voltage is double of input voltage, then the total conversion time is
Question 3
A unity feedback system has the following open loop frequency response.
Gain margin of the system is____________ dB.
Question 4
A DC cumulatively compound motor delivers rated load torque at rated speed. If the series field is short circuited, then armature current and speed will be
Question 5
A half wave rectifier type instrument is connected to square wave of peak-to-peak amplitude 10 V. % error in the reading will be _______.
Question 6
A 1-ϕ Full bridge VSI has a source voltage of 200 V DC . The load consists of RLC in series where R = 1 Ω, ωL = 6 Ω,
The fundamental component of the load current is?

Question 7
A synchronous generator is connected to an infinite bus bar by a lossless double circuit line. The synchronous generator is delivering 1.0 p.u. power initially to the load. A 3-phase fault takes place between the generator and low voltage side of the transformer so that the generator is isolated from the double circuit line. The critical clearing angle in electrical degrees will be_________.
Question 8
Determine the value of

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