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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 4
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Question 1
RMS value of signal x(t)=
is ____________. Provided time period is 5 sec.

Question 2
, then the value of
is ____.

Question 3
For a MOSFET working in saturation region, the gate to source voltage and the threshold voltage are 0.8 V and 0.2 V respectively. Also, the drain current is 2 mA. Assuming the MOSFET to be in saturation and neglecting the channel width modulation effect, find the drain current (in mA) if the applied gate to source voltage is 1.7 V?
Question 4
The operation given below is the addition of numbers with different bases.
(A)6 + (B)10 + (C)5 + (D)8 = (V)7
If A = 55, C = 34, D = 67 and V = 236 then the value of B is_____.
Question 5
The random process
is passed through an LTI system and the output is
. The input output relation is the following differential equation.

If, then
Question 6
The op-amp used in the circuit has an open-loop gain of
. The effective voltage between non-inverting and inverting terminals of op-amp
in mV in the circuit is ______

Question 7
In the circuit shown below, switch is closed at t=0, the ratio of steady state capacitor voltage to the current through capacitor at t = 0+ is _____.
Question 8
If y(t) = x(t)cos t is a signal whose Fourier transform is defined as:
Y(ω) = 4 ; |ω| ≤ 2
Y(ω) = 0 ; otherwise
Find the signal x(t).
- 105 attempts
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