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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 3
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Question 1
The below figure shows the periodic current signal flowing through a 10 Ω resistor.
The average power dissipated by the resistor is:
Question 2
For 2nd order system, the order of time constant
Question 3
In a rotor fed induction motor, the speed of rotor flux with respect to stator body will be ____.
Question 4
Total number of forbidden state in 4 bit BCD numbers is _____.
Question 5
A surge of 15 kV magnitude travel along a cable towards its function with an overhead line. The inductance and capacitance of the cable are 0.3 mH and 0.4
F per km respectively and those of overhead line are 1.5 mH, 0.012
F per km, respectively. The voltage rises at the function due to the surge will be ? (in kV)

Question 6
Let f(z) = (x2+y2) + i2xy and g(z) = 2xy + i(y2–x2) for z = x+iy where
. Then in the complex plane C.

Question 7
A SCR has Vg – ig characteristics given as Vg = 2 + 10ig. In an certain applications, the gate voltage consists of rectangular pulses of 12V and of duration of 50 μsec with duty ratio of 0.4. The value of series resistor Rg in gate circuit to limit the peak power dissipation in the gate to 5 watts is
Question 8
Find x(0) if the Z-transform of x(n) is X(z) which is equal to
and the ROC pass the unit circle.

- 129 attempts
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