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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 2
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Question 1
find the inverse Laplace Transforms L-1{

Question 2
For open circuited diode which of the following is valid?
Question 3
For the signal x(t) = 2(t – 1) u (t – 1) – 2(t – 2) U (t – 2) The value x(1.5) _________(up to two decimal points)
Question 4
The relation between vector magnetic potential
and magnetic density
can be expressed as :

Question 5
Find the output-voltage if op-amp is ideal?
Question 6
A uniform plane wave traveling in air is incident on the plane boundary between air and another dielectric medium with
. The reflection coefficient for the normal incidence, is

Question 7
Consider a circuit shown in figure, If IREF = 2mA, VDD = 3V, Vth, = 0.4V,
Kn' =400 micro Ampere/volt2 and
Kn' =400 micro Ampere/volt2 and

to generate, output current. I0 = 10mA, ratio of (W/L)2 is ……… .(rounded up to two decimal value)
Question 8
Two random variables x and y have correlation coefficient 0.3. x has mean of 6 & variance of 16. Y has mean 7 and variance of 25. If variable z is defined as z = x + y, then E[yz] will be _________.
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