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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 16
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Question 1
A two-port network is shown in figure. The parameter h21 for this network can be given by
Question 2
The Fourier transform of the complex sinusoidal pulse shown below is
{Consider ω=10 }
Question 3
Out of (2n+1) consecutively numbered tickets, three are drawn at random. The chance that the number on them are in A.P. is
Question 4
The root locus of a unity feedback system is shown below.
The frequency at which root locus branch crosses the jω i.e. imaginary axis is.
Question 5
A silicon transistor with β = 45 and negligible reverse saturation current is used in the circuit reverse saturation current is used in the circuit shown. If VCE = 5V, base current in micro amps and resistance R in kΏ, respectively, are
Question 6
In the circuit diagram shown in figure below. Find the function expression F in terms of A, B, C, D.

Question 7
Given that
A/m. Then the energy density (in J/m3) stored in free space by the field

Question 8
A Gaussian process X (t) of zero mean and variance
is passed through a full wave rectifier which is described by the input-output relation in figure given below.

The probability density function of the random variable Y(tk), obtained by observing the random process y(t) at the rectifier output at time tk is____
- 143 attempts
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