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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 15
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Question 1
For maximum power transfer capability in a lossless network, we require _____ GMR and ___ GMD.
Question 2
A vector
is known to be solenoidal. The value of “a” is

Question 3
An 11 kV/415 V, 3- ϕ, 50 Hz transformer has its HV, and LV winding connected in delta and star respectively. It is delivering 100 kVA load at 0.8 pf lagging, the current in LV winding is ____ A .
Question 4
An underground cable is represented as shown below.
Which of the following is true?
Question 5
Suppose Vz = 6V, RZ = 0 Ω and IKnee = 5 × 10–3 Amp For given circuit. Suppose we want voltage across R Ω does not fall below 6V then R is____ Ω.
Question 6
In the circuit, switch ‘S’ is in the closed position for a very long time. If the switch is opened at time t = 0, then iL(t) in amperes, for t ≥ 0 is:

Question 7
A 3-phase, synchronous generator has synchronous reactance of 0.5 pu and negligible resistance. It is supplying an active power of 0.9 pu at rated voltage. Its excitation emf is 1.3 pu. The reactive power output will be:
Question 8
The figure shows plots of speed (N) Vs. armature current (Ia) of a dc motor for two different operating conditions. Which one of the following features is relevant?
- 132 attempts
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