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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 12
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Question 1
A voltage of
volts is applied across AB, as shown below. Assuming ideal diodes, the voltage measured across CD in volts is?

Question 2
The state equation of an LTI system is
The state transition matrix will be
Question 3
In a 5 bit Johnson Counter on the fifth clock pulse sequence is QA =1, QB =1, QC =1, QD =1, QE =1. On the sixth clock pulse sequence is
Question 4
is the Fourier transform of g(t) then g (t) is

Question 5
In the circuit shown in figure, the switch closes at
. Assuming steady state condition for
, the current
approximately is

Question 6
Consider the following charge density distribution for a Schottky diode under reverse bias:
If permittivity of Si at 300 K is 1 × 10–12 F/cm. The correct electric field distribution is
Question 7
A 75
transmission line is terminated by a load impedance ZL=j50
.If the line is
long. Then input impedance Zln is given by

Question 8
Consider a coherent orthogonal MFSK system with M = 4 having the equally likely waveforms defined as-
Si(t) = A cos 2πfit, i = 1, 2 - - M 0 ≤ t ≤ T
Where T = 0.2 ms. The received carrier amplitude A is 2 mV and the two sided AWGN spectral density is
What is bit error probability for the system?
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