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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 11
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Question 1
Consider the given below circuit. The circuit is having ideal Op-amp i.e. virtual ground theory is applicable. the input resistance is___ kΩ.
Question 2
Which one of the following is correct?
The impedance function
is an
The impedance function

Question 3
A 6-pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase induction motor running on full load develops a useful torque of 200 Nm at a rotor frequency of 2 Hz, the shaft power will be ______ kW.
Question 4
Which of the following statement is true for a DC machine. (Here ϕ is flux per pole)
Question 5
For the network shown below,
V = 2I + 30, where (I is current delivered by the voltage source v).
The Norton current In and resistance RN will be across AB:
Question 6
For an op-Amp having a slew rate of 2V/m-s, what is the maximum closed loop voltage gain if the input signal varies by 1V in 10 ms.
Question 7
Find the Rth for the Maximum Power transfer to the load resistance RL.
Question 8
Two exactly similar 1000 KVA synchronous generator work is parallel. The governor of first machine is such that frequency drops uniformly from 50 Hz at no load to 48 Hz on full load. The corresponding uniform speed drop of second machine is from 50 Hz on no-load to 47 Hz at full load. The maximum load at unity power factor that can be delivered without overloading either of the two machines is _______ kW.
- 133 attempts
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