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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 10
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Question 1
Consider the circuit shown below:
A Zener regulator diode with VZ = 5V is connected to a variable load whose value varies from 12.5 Ω to 50 Ω. Assuming that the zener diode has negligible knee current and zener resistance then the proper regulation, the maximum value of resistance R is equal to
Question 2
A matched filter is given the following signal at its input
Peak amplitude (in μV) obtained at the output of the matched filter would be
Question 3
An AM signal being transmitted has the following representation
x(t) = (40 + 6*sin(40*pi*t))*cos(2*pi*106t) V
Determine the Power (in W) carried by the sidebands in the signal.
Question 4
The closed loop system is having an open Loop transfer function G(s)
for complex roots, the root locus diagram is circle. The radius of the circle is _______ (up to two decimals)

Question 5
Consider a signal x(n) whose even symmetric part is given by
. Total energy of signal x(n) = Energy of its even symmetric part + energy of its odd symmetric part. Calculate the energy of its odd symmetric part. ______

Question 6
A silicon n+ P junction solar cell has a surface area of 1 cm2 and acceptor concentration Na = 1015 cm–3 in the base region. Assume diffusion coefficient of electrons Dn = 35 cm2 sec–1, carrier lifetime of electrons, tn = 2.57 μsec, and electron–hole pair generation rate (GL= 2.7 × 1019 cm–3 sec–1). Then the open circuit voltage (VOC) of the solar cell is ________ V.
(Assume VT = 26 mV, ni = 1.5 × 1010 cm–3 neglect the contribution of n+ region and depletion region).
Question 7
The input X to the Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC) shown in the figure is '1' with probability 0.8. The cross-over probability is 1/7. If the received bit Y= 0, the conditional probability that '1' was transmitted is ______.

Question 8
Consider the given circuit having the lower cutoff frequency due to couping capacitor CC is fi = 20Hz, then find the value of coupling capacitor CC in _________ μF
- 92 attempts
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