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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 10
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Question 1
A 3-ϕ, 4-pole 50 Hz slip ring IM has 420 stator turns. The magnitude of the rotating flux per pole is 30 mWb. The winding factors for both stator and rotor windings is 0.96. The magnitude of per phase stator emf is_____V.
Question 2
For the network shown below, if the current
then what is the value of R?

Question 3
A wattmeter reads 25.34 watts. The absolute error in the measurement is −0.11 watt. Determine the true value of power.
Question 4
Which of the following statements is correct regarding the PN junction diffusion Potential.
Question 5
Calculate the value of Io in the ideal op-amp circuit shown below is __________mA .
Question 6
A transformer has iron loss of 90 W at 60 Hz supply and 52 W at 40 Hz supply. Both losses being measured at same peak flux density. The total iron loss in the transformer at 50 Hz supply will be:
Question 7
Find the input resistance Rin for the following circuit. Put your answer in KΩ.
Question 8
A 2500/ 250V, 25 kVA, transformer is connected as an auto transformer to 2500/2750 V. Its rating would be:
- 141 attempts
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