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GATE 2022 Rapid Revision Quiz 1
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Question 1
The appropriate damping ratio
for the given frequency response of an underdamped second order system as shown below is__________.

Question 2
For a BJT connected in common-emitter configuration, the base to collector leakage current is 3μA. For β = 80, Find the collector current if base current is 0.25 mA?
Question 3
CRO has input impedance in the order of
Question 4
If there are non-repeated poles on the imaginary axis, then the system is
Question 5
Two single phase transforms A and B are connected in parallel. They have same KVA rating but their resistances are 0.06pu and 0.02pu respectively and their leakage reactance are 0.5 and 0.4 per unit respectively. If A is operated at full load at a p.f. of 0.8 lagging what will be the load and p.f. of B? [KVA rating of A & B = Sa]
Question 6
A 3 – ϕ half wave controlled rectifier circuit is shown in figure. It is operated from 3 – ϕ, Y-connected transformer supply with line to line voltage 440 V rms at 60 Hz. The thyristors are
triggered at a delay angle of α = 45°
The load is a variable resistor R consuming power Po watt. What will be the maximum value of R
such that PO ≥ 3200 W [in ohms]
Question 7
A single core cable 10 km long has an insulation resistance of 0.5 MΩ. The core diameter is 30 mm and the diameter of the cable over the insulation is 70 mm. The resistivity of the insulating material is _____GΩ –m [up to 2 decimal places]
Question 8
Let x be a Poisson random variable with mean
. The E[(X + 1)!]equals _____

- 125 attempts
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