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GATE 2022 ME: RAC, PPE & IC Engines Quiz - 4
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Question 1
A stream of 1 kg of moist air at
, specific humidity
ry air mixes with another stream of 2 kg of moist air at
, specific humidity
ry air. The specific humidity of the mixture (in g/kg of dry air) is ______________.

Question 2
Stream A of moist air has specific humidity of 0.005 kg/ kg of dry air and dry bulb temperature of 25oC. Stream B of moist air has specific humidity of 0.005 kg/kg of dry air and dry bulb temperature of 35oC. Then _______.
Question 3
For the Psychrometric process, In case A air is adiabatically saturated and in case B air is isobarically saturated then saturation temperature in case of A and B are
Question 4
During chemical dehumidification process of air _______.
Question 5
Specific humidity of moist air is function of ________.
Question 6
Air after passing from a heating coil of temperature 45℃ is obtained at 38℃. Calculate inlet air temperature, if the bypass factor of the coil is 0.35.
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