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GATE 2022 ME: Machine Design Quiz - 5
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Question 1
The life of a ball bearing at a load of 10 kN is 8000 hours. Its life in hours, if the load is increased to 20 kN, keeping all other conditions the same, is
Question 2
In case of Partial Journal Bearing, the angle of contact between the Bush and Journal is
Question 3
It is required to design a Hydrodynamic journal bearing for a bearing pressure of 1.7 N/mm2. The load carried by the bearing is 8330 N. If the length of the journal is 70 mm. what is type of bearing?
Question 4
A full journal bearing having diametral clearance to diameter ratio of
using a lubricant with viscosity (Z) of
Pa-s, support the shaft journal running at N = 2400 rpm. If bearing pressure is 1.4 MPA. The Sommerfeld number is ____

Question 5
For ball bearings, the fatigue life L measured in number of revolutions and the radial load F are related by
, where K is a constant. It withstands a radial load or 2 kN for a life of 540 million revolutions. The load (in kN) for a life of one million revolutions is _______

Question 6
A hydrodynamic journal bearing is subject to 2000 N load at a rotational speed of 2000 rpm. Both bearing bore diameter and length are 40 mm. If radial clearance is
and bearing is lubricated with an oil having viscosity 0.03 Pa.s, the Sommerfeld number of the bearing is ______

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