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GATE 2022 ME: Machine Design Quiz - 3
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Question 1
Two members are connected with initial axial tightening force of 3 kN. The external force acting on the assembly is 10 kN. The bolt is made of plain carbon steel (σyt = 400 MPa) and factor of safety is 3. The effective stiffness of the parts held together by the bolt is 3 times the stiffness of the bolt. The diameter(in mm) of the bolt is:

Question 2
A bracket (shown in figure) is rigidly mounted on wall using four rivets. Each rivet is 6mm in diameter and has an effective length of 12mm.
Direct shear stress (in MPa) in the most heavily loaded rivet is

Direct shear stress (in MPa) in the most heavily loaded rivet is
Question 3
A steam boiler is to be designed for a working pressure of 2.5 MPa with its inside diameter of 1.6 m and thickness is 30 mm. If number of rivets is 45 per row and diameter of each rivet is 35 mm, then the efficiency (%) of circumferential joint is:
Question 4
A bolted joint has four bolts arranged as shown in figure. The cross sectional area of each bolt is 25 mm2. A torque T = 200 N-m is acting on the joint. Neglecting friction due to clamping force, maximum shear stress in a bolt is_____ MPa.
Question 5
Two metal plates of thickness 10 mm and width 50 mm are joined by a fillet weld of 45 ° as shown in given figure. When subjected to a pulling force 20 KN, the stress induced in bar in the weld will be:

Question 6
A plate 100 mm wide and 20 mm thick is to be welded to another plate using double parallel fillets. The plates are subjected to a static load of 70 kN. Find the length of weld if the permissible shear stress in the weld does not exceed 50 MPa.
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