GATE 2022: Digital Logic Quiz- 6
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Question 1
STATEMENT2: A Demultiplexer can be used as a Decoder.
Question 2

Question 3
C5 = G5 + PaGb + PcP5G3 + P5P4P3Gd + P5PeP3P2G1 + P5P4P3P2P1G0 + P5P4P3P2P1P0Cf
Where Pi is the propagation function and Gi is the generating function and have usual meaning.
i.e. Gi = Ai . Bi
Pi = Ai⊕ Bi
C-1 is the input carry.
What will be correct values for the subscripts a, b, c, d, e, f?
Question 4
Now this Decoder has to be converted to 2X4 Decoder. Aman drew the following diagram.
But he was confused what to place in place of W, X, Y, Z out of A, B, C, D. Choose the correct option to help Aman solve the problem correctly.
Question 5
Question 6
(2 X 1 multiplexer are being used)
What will be the sum min terms at output f?
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